Monday 7 April 2008

Germ attack

The things you notice when you're at home sick.

1. The sofa isn't quite as comfortable as you might wish for lounging purposes.
2.Why are there men with theodolides pointed at the house next door, first in front, then in next door's back garden, among the increasing triffid-like weeds? This does not bode well.
3. Is it really OK to take out of date Day Nurse? Too late now, I've done it. But where is the nearest chemist again...?
4. Daytime TV is still pretty shit.
5. Having said that, I've never actually seen 'The Barefoot Contessa', and having seen the last third now, it's about as weird a Hollywood film as I've seen. Humphrey Bogart as the mentor director to Ava Gardner's naif, 'fairy-tale' starlet who ends up with emasculated Rossano Brazzi in post-war Italy... Talk about pot-boiler.
6. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, you cam't stop the seductive voice of your bed from getting you in the end. Off I go.