Sunday 23 November 2008

Bizarre channel hopping incident

So just flipping around, as you do, and stumbled on some black and white footage of a large man singing in Russian on one of those old studio variety shows, complete with full fur hat and belted tunic. I recognised the voice immediately, since my parents played his records when I was a kid. Ivan Rebroff was a big thing in popularising Russian folk songs in the 60s and 70s. Of course, he was actually German. When you think of the context, it was all pretty odd. His claim to fame was a voice that spanned four octaves, from deep bass to high counter tenor. I watched him finish the song, one of the show-off pieces that covers the whole voice. And then, very bizarrely, once Rebroff had done his bows in his beaver hat looking like Peter Ustinov's younger brother, the camera cut to a very young Rolf Harris, in massive Buddy Holly glasses, as host of whatever weird variety show it was. 'Thanks Ivan.'

Weird blast from the past on the music for me, and just plain weird otherwise.

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